It is worth mentioning that, Store Images can be listed with size Recommendations & Types as following:
- Store Favorite Icon - Displayed on Browser Tab. (71 x 71 px) (PNG)
- Store Logo. (350 x 350 px) (PNG)
- Store Cover Image. (1920 x 1080 px) (JPG)
- Store Background Image (Theme 1 Only). (533 x 1080 px) (PNG)
- Store Default Image. (500 x 500 px) (PNG / JPG)
- Category Image (Theme 2 Only). (500 x 500 px) (JPG)
- Product Image -1 in Row (Theme 2 Only). (500 x 350 px) (JPG)
- Product Image - 2 in Row (Theme 2 Only). (500 x 500 px) (JPG)
- Product Image (Theme 1). (500 x 500 px) (JPG)
Note That:
All image sizes are highly recommended to be less than 500 KB to maintain the website performance and enhance the browsing maximum speed.
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